Family News
Publisher: Jon Davis
Contributing Editors:
Karen McLarty
Ann Harness
Cynthia Schoen
Bill Lukens
(click on name for email)
Garrett was born December 17th, 1999, Alexandra (Alex) was born
March 7th, 2001. Robert Nicklaus (Robbie) 15 is very proud of his
new little sister. Grandma Barbara enjoys having babies in the
Rob & Mary were married on July 5th, 2000 in Reno, NV.
this is Rob's 3rd marriage and Mary's 1st. Rob, Mary, Robbie,
Garrett and Alexandra live in Chico, CA. Chico is located about 90
miles north of Sacramento.
Family News - Redone

(Lomita, CA)
As you may have noticed the Adams Family Web Page has been
redesigned to make it easier to navigate and to find what you are looking
Following a second trip to Charlotte, NC on business and spending
time with Karen McLarty and then traveling to Lynchburg, VA and seeing Bill
& Frances Lukens, Dick Braumiller and Kristen Hancock.
I realized that most of you don't haven't been to the web
site. I embarked on this major remake of the page. Family Tree
Maker has just released version 10, that is the software that I use to
produce the family trees. The new version used Adobe .pdf files to
publish the family tree pages. This will allow me to produce
complete has been
redesigned to make it easier to put internet readable an printable family
pages. They will be formatted for putting in a binder.